Sunday, December 09, 2007

Bubble Boy Comes Home

So I didn't mention that everyone at work christened me "Bubble Boy" as I was clearly the biggest germophobe on the project. I always had sanitary wipes with me and went through a fair amount of hand sanitizer. My diet was also very restricted, with guidelines like the following:

  • Only cooked food

  • No cold cuts or cut fruit

  • No water, ice, or frozen drinks like smoothies

  • Limited amounts of fish and seafood

  • Dry is always better than sloppy

  • Limited amout of veggies with lots of crevices like broccoli

Despite being the but of many jokes, I was the only one on my team who didn't get sick. I would say that over the month I was in Mumbai, about 1/3 of the entire team had to miss at least one day of work because they were throwing up, throwing down, or both. Aside from some uneasiness from reading in the car on the way to work I was in pretty good shape.

My computer is now reset to Central time, although my biological clock may take a while to catch up. I'll write some additional thoughts later, but now I need to go catch some sleep.

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